Today’s Story

I Love to tell the Story

These words from an old hymn describe my mission for the last chapter of life. Like most people, I have accumulated hundreds of stories over my lifetime. Many of them point to Jesus, but some are just plain funny.

God told Moses, “Tell your children and grandchildren… the stories… so that you’ll know that I am God.” (Exodus 10:2 MSG). Hebrews tells us, “When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item... That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!” (Hebrews 12:3 MSG). Micah told us to “keep all God’s salvation stories fresh and present.” (Micah 6:3 MSG).

Why stories?

Jesus set the pattern. “All Jesus did that day was tell stories, a long storytelling afternoon.” (Mt. 13:34 MSG).

My stories are from courthouses, golf courses, political arenas and exotic places around the world like my beloved India. But the ones I like the best are those that are ‘fresh and present’, stories of what happened recently, maybe even today!! Hopefully, they will “shoot adrenaline into your soul”.