Monday’s story was about 2020- a wonderful Jubilee year for me. But that story really started two years earlier, on my last day as a judge.

My final day in court was January 31, 2018.  For over fourteen years, family court and drug court dysfunctions had been my daily bread. Divorce- some routine and some horrific. Domestic violence- always nasty. Neglect and abuse of children- you never get used to that. Drug court for addicts—too many sad chapters. I wrote a book about the whole mess, named Judge Z: Irretrievably Broken?

In late 2017, I decided it was time to give up the fight. I jokingly told people, “I am not resigning. I quit.” Thanks to my 22+ years of service to the ‘system’ (the King if you will), my government pension combined with social security, paid me better than when I was working, so the decision was not that hard.

But now, what to do? I was approaching my 67th birthday.

First, I decided to live as if 2018 was my last year on earth. When people asked “whatcha doing?”, I would give them some version of my standard speech, “I am living as if it is my last year on earth.” Most people asked if I was ill. “No. I am perfectly fine. My grandfather made it to 104. I just want to make sure that in 2018, I only do what’s important. You never know what’s ahead.”

That was one of the best decisions of my life. It helped me say “No. I am sorry, but I won’t have time for that.” It also helped me say “Yes, we need to do that for sure this year.”

So Sue and I headed to Scotland to live for six weeks. I have loved Scotland since my first trip there in 1983. And I say ‘live’ on purpose because we were not just visiting. We plugged into the communities of Brora and Dornoch in northern Scotland, made dear friends, went to churches, joined two amazing golf clubs, went to football games, had lunch with neighbors. I was not going to miss this opportunity since 2018 was my last year on earth.

But when the year came to an end, and I was alive and well, it was clearly time for a different plan.

I decided to live in 2019 as if I would never die, or at least make it to 100! Instead of being my last year on earth, I decided to live as if I would never die. Indeed, on February 1, 2019, we sold our “Old Kentucky Home” and moved to south Alabama to start all over again, living next door to Sue’s sister. I began planning the next thirty (30) years. We adjusted to wonderful new friends, a new golf course community, and life without the PTSD of family court. I especially loved it because no one knew us. We were just the new family from Kentucky. My toughest questions were ‘what club did you hit?’ or ‘what’s your handicap?’.

In June, I returned to India for the first time in many years. Sue and I returned to Scotland for eight more weeks. My latest novel began to take shape. Much time was spent in rest, prayer, writing, and meditation, hoping to hear the ‘voice of the Lord’ and discover what to do with the years of 70 and beyond.

Part of that ‘voice’ was found in the last two verses of the Book of Acts (28:30-31). “For the next two years, Paul lived in Rome at his own expense. He welcomed all who visited him, boldly proclaiming the Kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ. And no one tried to stop him.”

This verse became my theme- my story.

Just like Paul, we would live in Loxley, Alabama at our own expense. (How sweet to let the government pension pay us so that no ministry money goes for any salary).

Just like Paul, we would welcome all who visit. (Come on down to Alabama or come on over to Scotland).

Just like Paul, we would boldly proclaim the Kingdom of God and teach about the Lord Jesus Christ. And no one would try to stop us.

That phrase- ‘and no one tried to stop him’- was music to my ears. During my years as a judge, many people and forces tried their best to shut me up. It is another story for another day, but I had to survive multiple lawsuits and judicial conduct commission complaints back in Kentucky (all of which we won). My enemies didn’t care what I believed as long as I kept quiet in public. When I spoke about the tragedy of divorce and the sacredness of marriage, the evil forces of today’s culture moved quickly and loudly to shut me up.

But now as 2022 moves along, I know that my mission will always be to “boldly proclaim the Kingdom of God and teach about the Lord Jesus Christ”.  Personal visits to Loxley Alabama or even Scotland are welcome--- but this website and my writing will be my primary method to speak the name above all names- Jesus Christ.